Feature & Follow #4

28 December 2013

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read.And we all gather every Friday so we could meet new/old friends!

This weeks question is: 
 What books did Santa stuff your stocking with this holiday season?

Santa got drunk and crashed in the nearby chimney which resulted in him going to the hospital and me with 0 presents....

  So my super, mega, awesome firend  & fellow bloger Baileys
 took matters into her own hands and bought me 
this book:
She couldn't stand me mooning and drooling over it any longer.
I'm super happy!!

C// by raiinysummer

And that left me with a bit extra cash to buy me this bundle

Dead of Night: Dancers in the Dark\The Devil's Footprints
 Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Between, #1) 
It ended up pretty well.
p.s Santa's recovering too ;)


  1. oooo I've heard Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea was a good one!
    I've been meaning to put that on my tbr list!
    Tell me what you think of it:)
    Thanks for stopping by!
    *new follower :)*

    1. I saw it a few months ago, and loooooved the cover. And i knew i had to have it.
      Of course i will ;)
      Thanks for stoping by ♥

  2. I want to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown too! That one sounds super cool.

  3. WhooHoo your books look awesome!!
    I'm following thru from Parajunkie's FF, and now following you via GFC & Google+. You can find my blog at Kismet Book Reviews & Tours
    Happy Holidays!

  4. Hope Santa's okay (though that was very irresponsible of him)!

    I've been eyeing "Kneebone Boy", "The Coldest Girl", and "The Devil" for awhile myself. I'll get there. Eventually! Those TBR lists just get so unwieldy, you know?

    Here's my FF, if you feel like stopping by!:

  5. What a nice friend! Enjoy your reads!
    Old follower!
    My FF

  6. Looks like some awesome reads!
    Jessi - www.thebookcove.com

  7. I'm a little late making the rounds this week with all the holiday craziness.
    New follower via GFC and bloglovin :)
    Here is our FF
